[Portfolio News] Agritech startup Poshn raises $3.8 million in funding

Zephyr Peacock invests in small and medium sized enterprises operating across financial services, food and agriculture, and infrastructure ancillaries sectors. The Fund has invested in Poshn, an online marketplace for the wholesale of agri-commodities.

Click here to read the full story on ‘The Economic Times’

Below is an excerpt from the post that first appeared on The Economic Times on 27 April 2022:

Founded in 2020 by Shashank Singh and Bhuvnesh Gupta, Poshn provides a procurement platform, especially for bulk processed commodities, in a highly fragmented agri-supply chain market. The company aims to organise the supply chain by making wholesale trading seamless.

The startup offers services for the wholesale trading of commodities thorough which wholesale buyers can buy from millers and stockists. It also helps buyers and sellers with logistics and offers flexible payment solutions. It has partnered with more than 100 wholesalers across ecommerce, modern trade and general trade, and has seen aggressive adoption across the supply chain.


Click here to read the full story on ‘The Economic Times ‘

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